1. Our business
1.1 Ethical behaviour
As a leader in the packaging industry, Yuanyin has a responsibility to act as a good corporate company worldwide.
At Yuanyin, we recognize our commitments to our employees, investors, customers, suppliers, competitors and the entire community.
We believe that our reputation, along with the trust and confidence of those we deal with, is one of our most valuable assets.
To maintain this reputation and trust, we demand and maintain the highest ethical standards in the conduct of our business.
All our employees are committed to adhering to our ethical policy, which outlines Yuanyin's core values and business approach.
Protecting our reputation is fundamental and employees are aware of the disciplinary impact of policy violations.
The policy helps to preserve the reputation of our company and our employees and maintain public confidence in Yuanyin.
Our employees are required to report immediately any potentially illegal, inappropriate and/or unethical conduct they become aware of at or in connection with their work.
We believe that we have an environment in which our employees can express genuine and legitimate concerns internally.
However, if our employees believe that their reporting to line management may lead to harassment, victimisation or unreasonable strain, they may contact HR Support to report matters.
Human Resources provides an opportunity to investigate concerns and ensures that appropriate measures are taken to resolve the matter effectively.
1.2 Customers
We firmly believe that integrity in dealing with customers is a prerequisite for a successful and sustainable business relationship.
We operate a highly effective and efficient organization focused on achieving customer goals.
Our goal is to offer products and services that offer fair value and consistent quality, reliability and safety for a fair reward.
We follow guidelines to continuously improve both the processes and skills of our employees in order to make the most of technological advances.
This secures our business for the future and ensures that we continue to create added value for our customers' business.
This is underpinned by a consistent approach to the implementation of our work.
In order to meet the diversity of our work, we strive for a balance between flexibility in our way of working and strict control in order to consistently meet the expectations of our customers.
Our sales efforts and delivery capabilities are aligned to ensure that we can successfully and consistently deliver what we promise.
1.3 Business partners and suppliers
As with our relationships with our other stakeholders, we aim to build relationships and improve networking with business partners and suppliers based on mutual trust.
We believe that one of our main strengths is our approach to alliances and partnerships with suppliers.
Many of our new contracts come from these alliances, and the contributions of our partners help us deliver the solutions demanded by our customers and the market.
1.4 Environment
The Company believes that, by its very nature, our business has minimal environmental impact.
However, we recognise that there are unavoidable environmental impacts associated with daily operation.
We strive to minimise harmful impacts and consider the development and implementation of environmental standards to achieve this to be of great importance.
As such, we encourage the internationally established 3 Rs:
● Reduce
● Reuse
● recycle
As part of our business activities, we are looking for ways to reduce water and other natural resources.
We also strive to reuse and recycle them wherever possible and to dispose of non-recyclable items responsibly in order to minimise the impact on the environment.
The company is expected to raise awareness among stakeholders and the wider community by adopting simple, environmentally friendly initiatives.
The company regularly reviews its environmental policy to ensure that changes in regulations and best practices are taken into account.
We strive to continuously improve the impact of our business activities
1.1 Ethical behaviour
As a leader in the packaging industry, Yuanyin has a responsibility to act as a good corporate company worldwide.
At Yuanyin, we recognize our commitments to our employees, investors, customers, suppliers, competitors and the entire community.
We believe that our reputation, along with the trust and confidence of those we deal with, is one of our most valuable assets.
To maintain this reputation and trust, we demand and maintain the highest ethical standards in the conduct of our business.
All our employees are committed to adhering to our ethical policy, which outlines Yuanyin's core values and business approach.
Protecting our reputation is fundamental and employees are aware of the disciplinary impact of policy violations.
The policy helps to preserve the reputation of our company and our employees and maintain public confidence in Yuanyin.
Our employees are required to report immediately any potentially illegal, inappropriate and/or unethical conduct they become aware of at or in connection with their work.
We believe that we have an environment in which our employees can express genuine and legitimate concerns internally.
However, if our employees believe that their reporting to line management may lead to harassment, victimisation or unreasonable strain, they may contact HR Support to report matters.
Human Resources provides an opportunity to investigate concerns and ensures that appropriate measures are taken to resolve the matter effectively.
1.2 Customers
We firmly believe that integrity in dealing with customers is a prerequisite for a successful and sustainable business relationship.
We operate a highly effective and efficient organization focused on achieving customer goals.
Our goal is to offer products and services that offer fair value and consistent quality, reliability and safety for a fair reward.
We follow guidelines to continuously improve both the processes and skills of our employees in order to make the most of technological advances.
This secures our business for the future and ensures that we continue to create added value for our customers' business.
This is underpinned by a consistent approach to the implementation of our work.
In order to meet the diversity of our work, we strive for a balance between flexibility in our way of working and strict control in order to consistently meet the expectations of our customers.
Our sales efforts and delivery capabilities are aligned to ensure that we can successfully and consistently deliver what we promise.
1.3 Business partners and suppliers
As with our relationships with our other stakeholders, we aim to build relationships and improve networking with business partners and suppliers based on mutual trust.
We believe that one of our main strengths is our approach to alliances and partnerships with suppliers.
Many of our new contracts come from these alliances, and the contributions of our partners help us deliver the solutions demanded by our customers and the market.
1.4 Environment
The Company believes that, by its very nature, our business has minimal environmental impact.
However, we recognise that there are unavoidable environmental impacts associated with daily operation.
We strive to minimise harmful impacts and consider the development and implementation of environmental standards to achieve this to be of great importance.
As such, we encourage the internationally established 3 Rs:
● Reduce
● Reuse
● recycle
As part of our business activities, we are looking for ways to reduce water and other natural resources.
We also strive to reuse and recycle them wherever possible and to dispose of non-recyclable items responsibly in order to minimise the impact on the environment.
The company is expected to raise awareness among stakeholders and the wider community by adopting simple, environmentally friendly initiatives.
The company regularly reviews its environmental policy to ensure that changes in regulations and best practices are taken into account.
We strive to continuously improve the impact of our business activities